Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sungguh seronok bermain Farm Town

Hmm. My loyal laptop is now officially old and sick. Maybe it's time to get a new slave. Tapi dengan duit apa ek? Siapa pandai jampi daun jambu tukar jadi duit? Anyone?

And gosh, I'm still wide awake at 07.36 a.m, thanks to the addictive Farm Town on Facebook. I left my farm unattended for almost a month so I thought, well, I could use some of my unpaid leave time to catch up with the level. Monkey is way ahead now and I'm way behind him. Ini tak boleh jadi, dia harus lah ditewaskan! Good things now we can earn extra XP by plowing people's farm. Work punya work, tak sangka I got addicted to it. Not to the harvesting or plowing, no, but the self selling skills at the market. It's a new thing to me, I really enjoy doing it.

Usually I go to US market but if I really wanna have fun, I go to UK market. Seriously, people in there really know how to bitch! I loike! LOL! Malaysia and Indonesia markets are awkwardly empty every time I go there, I don't know where all my Malaysian folks go.

Anyway, the teknik menjual diri is what keeping me going to the market. Sometimes I go there purely because I need to get a job, but most of the time, I just want to try what kind of lines get me hired immediatelly. My latest line is:

" Hi ___ (whoever offering the job), I'm available. Thanks".

It works very well, I got hired immediatelly every time I say that. Mind you, it doesn't work in French and Italiano markets. I have tried it and only got cursed in the language I don't understand. Someone translated it for me. LOL.

Those who play in the Farm Town, I'm sure they are familiar with these beggars' lines.

"Hire me...hire me..please.."

"I work with my clothes off..please hire me. Please please please"

"Anybody want a plowjob? I give a good one!"

"Pllleeaaassseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..!!!! Hire Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!"

"Hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me
hire me

"Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me"

"Pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me"

"I love plowing. I only do plowing. Plow, plow, plow!"

When I can't stand it anymore, I start to bitch.

"Ugly Beggars! Yuck!!"

"Hey, stop begging! You're annoying!"

"Hey Hodge, I'll kick your ass for hedging the text bar!"

"Ok, you can plow here right now!"

"Hey, shut up, will ya?"

"Get out, you beggars!"

And erm, I say a few nasty things too but let's not hear it in here. Some beggars stop doing what they are doing, some just leave but most of them usually say nasty things back at me. My favourite part is when the people who are against begging back me up and there, we have a market war! When it happens, I just sit back and enjoy reading the text box. This is the ugliest hobby I ever have so far (after that removing tick manually on my dog). Sorry, I know it's disgusting. But I'm not a psycho, you know that, so please don't jugde me?

I know I sound stupid and bitchy..but I can't help it. I mean, really, do they have to sell themselves by begging non stop? I have to stand there too, waiting for jobs...but do I have to watch people begging? I don't think so. At first I thought, well, now I have reasons to use the ignore button. But then I got tired, annoyed and cannot stand watching them begging to no end . Being an old bitch, I thought, ok, maybe I could use some of my good old bitching skills. Why not when I have the chance, right?

Some days, I'll just send all of the hard core beggars to my farm. Knowing that there's no work to be done there, I can only imagine how angry they are at me. Lol! I know I sound so mean again...but oh well, I have no better hobbies to do. At the moment, I'll just be a prick and prey on the pathetic beggars on Farm Town!

*Old mean laugh*

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm rich.....

with smiles!

Yup! That's all I have at the moment. No jokes, I'm very lah broke. Tu ler..siapa suruh gatal ambil unpaid leave. Wang poket ihsan laki I pun dah habis sekelip mata. I kan suka buat donation. Tanya ler kedai kedai berhampiran rumah I.

But no worries, I, the very unwise woman, have broken my husband's piggy bank! I telah merompak perut piggy gemuk yang laki I letak molek molek sebelah TV. Ha ha ha!

Lihatlah hasil rompakan I. Betapa selama ini I telah silap memilih kerjaya. Baru lah sekarang I tahu how easy it is to get easy money. Just rob the bank!

Aku kayapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!! har har har!!

Alright. I'll get serious now. Actually the idea of 'robbing' the piggy is not entirely because I'm broke. Well, the broke part is still true but the main reason is because I have to pack all our stuffs into a contena and send them all back to Sabah. Now, not that I don't trust the contractors' staff but I was just concern about the fact that human being will always get lured by the smell and kacheng kacheng sound of money. Believe it or not, I myself was planning a lot of things to do with the money from the piggy sepanjang masa I menghitung laba rompakan I. Lagipun piggy itu tersangatlah berat dan mungkin akan menyebabkan belakang staff contractor yang mengangkat kotak akan bengkok. Nah, itu imaginasi liar I saja kerana sudah pasti mereka ada troli or something kan. Tapi yang penting, duit syiling my husband akan berada di tempat yang selamat. Dimanakah lagi tempat yang lebih selamat selain dari poket I, kan, kan kan?

After a good 1.5 hours counting them and pisahkan ikut nilai badan coins itu, I pun masukkan dalam beg tangan baru yang murah dan tiada jenama (I beli dari sale Jusco tau), I segera pandu laju laju ke Public Bank. Rugi I sia-siakan bakat I memandu laju kerana setibanya di bank, rupanya I kena ambil nombor dan beratur panjang. Sempat interview 40 orang over the phone lagi (I iklankan anak kucing yang I kutip tepi jalan for adoption kat, tapi itu cerita lain kali lah ya). Tungu punya tunggu punya tunggu, sampailah giliran I. I bagi lah buku bank dan semua duit tadi.

Dah cantik I tulis amount tiap plastik duit syiling itu, rupanya kerani public bank tidak mempercayai I. Dia kira lah semula duit itu dengan bapak lamanya. I bukan nak protes ke hapa, cuma kalau boleh, buatlah kerja cepat cepat kan. I ain't got all days, you know. I juga perlu memuatkan perut dengan dengan nasik dan berjoli di shopping mall. Ini tidak, dia boleh bergurau senda lagi dengan kawan kat sebelah mesin kira duit sambil mengambil her long sweet time. Dalam hati berkata, awas kau monyet, nanti ku tulis komplen kat customer suggestion box. Kalau melawan, boleh cek cctv. ( Mak ai, camera public bank banyak nooo. Sampai I tak tau nak pilih mana satu I nak bagi special posing).

Lepas kira, dia bagi I slip jumlah duit. Sama dengan jumlah yang I tulis. Kan, I told you so. Dia pun ketak sana ketak sini, ngitt..ngitt..ngitt..bunyi printer, dia pun pulangkan buku bank I. I pun dengan gembira mencapai slip borang pengeluaran. Isi punya isi, bubuh tanda tangan, bagi kat dia. Wah. Sudah terbayang baju colour merah ada tulis 'let's get physical' dari kedai TopMan masuk ke dalam almari baju I. Bila kerani tu tengok slip I, dia kata, sorry Miss, you need to get your partner's signature.

Eh, apa pasal? Meh sini ni aku cek.

Alamak. *Tepuk dahi*

Rupanya yang ini buku join akaun dengan laki I lah. Hancurlah harapan I menjolikan hasil rompakan I. Agaknya big man di atas sana sudah menghidu niat jahat I dan berpihak pada my other half.


So, I'm still broke. Someone give me money pleaseeeee!! I want that red colour shirt...!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mega Sale

I love it, I love it, I love it!
OK, OK, I know! I'm a cheapskate, I admit it. I only buy things on discount. I'm so cheapskate that I don't buy anything on their original price (except for my Guess purse, which now I keep safely in my drawer because it's too expensive for everyday occasion). Gah!

But come on, admit it, who doesn't like mega sale?

To me, it's the only time I can go to shopping malls with less than 150 bucks and come out with a pair of good shoes, 8 designer blouses and yet, still have enough to buy drinks from Starbucks.

Mega sale is always great, albeit lah ia berlaku di masa-masa aku tengah bercuti tanpa gaji...