Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Getting ready to break up with my best buddies...

I received two heart-breaking emails from Monkey today. It's not anybody fault. Monkey is only being helpful and trying his best for us. True, in life, it's not always rainbow and butterflies. Sometimes things happen...

Here are the heart-breaking emails. Don't worry, these emails maybe quite personal but they are not a secret. My frustration is not a secret anyway...

Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2008 12:26:51
Subject: dog import info.

Hi sweet.

Not really good news this time. I've attached the Australian Quarantine regs for dog and cat import from Malaysia.There are a lot of vaccinations and tests the dog needs to have done before it can leave Malaysia.

As it works out (mostly with the rabies vaccination and follow up blood test), the shortest period the dog could be in Quarantine here is 30 Days. (The longest 150days). The dog can only come to Sydney.With all the application fees and accommodation charges, it works out at AUD$1064 (RM2900) for 30 days, PLUS Airfare.

IF the dog stays in the Quarantine station for 150 days, it works out at AUD$2106 (RM5750) PLUS airfare.Not good news I'm afraid, my sweet. Sorry.

Mu'ah for now

On a lighter note, I'm sorting out my tax and EPF arrangements over the next couple of days and getting together some more of the documents we need for the visa application.

Sent: Wednesday, 12 November 2008 1:17:47
Subject: Car Import

Hi sweet.

Just finding out about car import now. Looks like we have to have the car valued by an Australian Valuer when it arrives over here.

The way they value it is up to the fellow that values it. It seems that the way they estimate the import charges is like this:

Say the car is worth RM38,000...The customs duty on that is 10%.

So RM38,000 / Exchange rate (2.75) = AUD$13,818 x 10% = AUD$1381 (RM3,800)

The GST added to that again = Car Value PLUS Transport and Insurance costs (APPROXIMATE = RM10,000)SO, RM38K + 10K = 48K * 10% = RM4,800 (AUD$1745)

SO, total we pay to transport the car is RM8600 + RM10,000 (approx) for transport and insurance.RM18,600 (approx) to bring the Myvi into Australia! (AUD$6765)PLUS registration, Road Tax and Insurance here (approx AUD$850/RM2340)20K ++ WOW AH!!!

I asked for a quotation from a transport company to see how much they will charge but may take a week or so to get their quote back.

All for now my love,

I replied with this and now ready to lie down and rest..
Suddenly I feel as if there is something very heavy on my chest..

Monkey darling,

About the cats and dog, I'm willing to let them go. We can't afford them. Realistically, we need the money more than pets, no question asked. Even though they are my very best buddies, they are soon becoming luxury items which we cannot afford.

*Sigh* Finally I have to face the reality.

I don't know what to do with them other than planning on ways to sending them to the animal shelter. I don't have a heart to put them to sleep, it's not me. If the people at the shelter decided to put them to sleep, just, don't tell me or ever mention it to me. I must get in touch with Joseph again and arrange volunteer works with them at the SPCA while I'm still here. This way, hopefully I won't feel too guilty leaving my buddies there soon.

My heart is now shattered into pieces. You know, it ached severely before it shattered. Have you any clue how it felt Monkey? If you haven't, you'll know it when you get back here and stare at the happy dog, playing hide and seek with the cats..

I swear I'll never have ANY pet again in my life. This is very painful. After this one, pretty much I'm done with breaking up. Never in my life I want to break up with anything I better not to start anything when I knew at the end of the day, breaking up issue will arise. From now on, you and I must say no to pets. You'll have no choice now but to be my everything. I mean, seriously, EVERYTHING. That includes being a 'pet'. Don't argue, just say yes. Sometimes I got to be very bossy and you have to be scared of me so just say yes. It will make it a lot easier for me to deal with this break up.

About the car, I have no better option than to break up with it too, haven't I?

Another break up, eyy?

Boy, this isn't going to be easy. Now I start to understand moving to Australia is not merely about starting a new life. It's also about giving up with pretty much everything I love in here. The cats, the dog, the fish, the plants... and now the car. If money grew on trees, I'll start planting them now so we can have all the money we need in this life...

Now, please don't tell me I have to give up the VCDs, DVDs, CDs and books as well. Or else, I'll get more reasons to get stressed...

I better lie down and rest now before my head get any opportunity to consider another bowl of ice cream. They said resting helps the stress too.

Don't worry Monkey, the pets and I will be alright soon. I'll break the news to them when I'm ready.

Enjoy your water skiing tomorrow. Don't forget to look at the girls in bikini and tell me what's the bikini trend is like now. Don't stare at them thou..or else, you'll get 'eye shit' in the morning. Talk soon.

Luv ya,
Emotional Shorty


Licia said...

i'm so touch and feel the deepest pain you feel rite's not easy..letting go is not easy..especially the pets..hard to let them go but what to do..time flies..time will many things have to consider..may you find a rite answers for everthing..take it easy..take it slowly..everythin will be better..the pain & the sadness is just a part of the way to the happiness!

Miss E said...

thank you for your kind words licia dearest. it means a lot to me..*hugs*