Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Leaving Job

I put in my application for two months unpaid leave today. If it is approved, it will take effect starting on the 15Th this month.

As I filled the form, my heart ached severely. When I handed it to the clerk in charge, I had a little tear in my eyes, which of course hidden bravely by me.

When I walked out from the office, my lips felt numb, my mouth was dry. My feelings were mixed, I don't know how to explain it.

I am nervous about what the future holds for me. In the same time, I'm feeling glad I finally have the gut to free myself from the never ending stress.

I don't have a clue on what I will be going to do during these coming two months. Maybe this could be a bad idea, but I will never know if I don't try it.

Two months of unpaid leave. Maybe this is the beginning of me getting out of the field I am currently engaged, maybe not. I don't know...


Hobbit Wife said...

You're kidding me! I need a break too!:)

Moses+Christ Army said...

U're leaving your job? why?

p/S : sa suda resign juga baru2 ni... 15hb sa balik sabah