* These photo were taken last year during my family annual activity; planting padi in my grandparents paddy field. All of the people in the photos are my family members, who requested to be unnamed here.
** There are reasons why I was not in the photo. As an animal lover and protector, I am against animals slave. As you can see in the photo, buffalo were used to plow the field. Although I am quite resilient on what I believe, for some reasons I could not convince my family members to believe it too (which is a shame). So, I decided not to help them in the field and took preparing lunch task instead. Plus, I am so damn scared of leaches. I think they could harm me in many ways and feast on me after defeating me. No way I'm exposing myself to that sort of danger.
*** If you ever thought of experiencing real country life, why not makes it come true? Come to our place in Borneo and experience traditional country Dusun life. You can stay here for nothing, my family love visitors. Don't worry, you won't end up in our pot. Lol! But you have to put up with our old country house and probably food you never tasted in your life. Oh, and also my grandfather. He would tell you non-stop stories about World War II and how much we are a lucky generation. Do expect that from our 100+ years old Aki.
** There are reasons why I was not in the photo. As an animal lover and protector, I am against animals slave. As you can see in the photo, buffalo were used to plow the field. Although I am quite resilient on what I believe, for some reasons I could not convince my family members to believe it too (which is a shame). So, I decided not to help them in the field and took preparing lunch task instead. Plus, I am so damn scared of leaches. I think they could harm me in many ways and feast on me after defeating me. No way I'm exposing myself to that sort of danger.
*** If you ever thought of experiencing real country life, why not makes it come true? Come to our place in Borneo and experience traditional country Dusun life. You can stay here for nothing, my family love visitors. Don't worry, you won't end up in our pot. Lol! But you have to put up with our old country house and probably food you never tasted in your life. Oh, and also my grandfather. He would tell you non-stop stories about World War II and how much we are a lucky generation. Do expect that from our 100+ years old Aki.
Interesting..pity the buffalo lain juga cara kamu tanam padi ten..kami di sarawak lain tdk ada guna kerbau..padi bukit ba..padi paya pun tiada guna kerebau..saya pun tdk pernah tinguk kerbau hidup heheh
adeh! datang sini lagi lah ten. i sedia satu kerbau jadi kenalan u. hik hik hik.
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