Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's got into me...

Back from messy holiday ~ tiring but relieving. Now I know what exactly the dilemma of those children who has stepmother. Damn it, I've promised myself not to utter a word about the chaos at my parents' home once I get back to work..but look who is grumbling about it here!

One of my colleagues was sitting on fire during our weekly assembly today. He was in charged of the PA system again, like all other times. Something happened, we didn't know exactly what, but everything was all over the place. There was a point when the pupils thought it was funny and started laughing. The headmaster apparently was fuming after the assembly. He said many strong words to that poor guy in front of everybody. Mean old sod! I knew it was not entirely his fault. You know lah, machines also have 'good-mood-bad-mood' sort of thing. Today was just his luck, they were in a very bad mood. Straight away after the assembly (and of course it was already during the 'scolding session'), everything went places. The system worked excellently. Cet! My heart honestly goes to that poor chap, he doesn't deserve to be scolded in front of us. In my opinion, if Mr. Bald thinks he needs to have a word with him, why not do it in his football-field-sized office. Heh. People, ah?

After the assembly, we went back to the staffroom. I left my hand phone buruk in my pencil case before we went to the hall for assembly. Being me, forgetting the last place I put my mobile phone is not unusual. In fact, it can happen at least twice a day. Brain-scattered, ya, that's me. Never mind the 'missing' mobile phone, I knew I will find it when it rings. I then started to get absorbed in catching up with last week works. You know lah me, a few days before school holiday, only my body was present at school. The rest of me was already somewhere fun.

Like I expected, my hand phone buruk rang. I knew it was an sms because it was 'meowing'. Last week my bro paid me a visit. I thought his 'purring' handphone was cool, so I 'bluetooth-ed' (ha ha) it into my phone. I used it immediately as my incoming sms alert.

My phone meowed a few times but I was too busy marking my students' book, so I didn't attend it straight away. I was sure it was my sister, replying my sms earlier. I said to myself, she can wait. I have more important things to do.

Suddenly, I noticed a lot of people were crowding my place, looking high and low for something. Their face were as if something horrible was missing. Since they all were at my place, I stood up, moved and gave them way without even asking. After some times, they finally asked me if I mind they looked under my desk. I said go ahead, you might find my snake pet down there. One of them looked at me awkwardly and said, no, that's not funny. We just heard a kitten meowing from here. It could be under your desk.

For at least two second, I was stunned. I didn't know whether to laugh or to say sorry. Obviously my sms alert tone had sent at least 10 people to search for a kitten all over my place!

Then slowly I said to them, sorry, it was my hand phone, please don't hate my sms tone. I hoped they'll find it funny, laugh it out and forget about it.

I was wrong. They were furious. They said I have wasted their time, and what if Mr. Bald happen to pass by and hear the sound? He's already in a bad mood from the failed PA system earlier, hearing cat's sound in the office certainly could give everybody troubles. Sigh. Fine, fine. But I did say sorry, right? After all, there is no written rules and regulation about mobile ring tones in the office.

They left after harassing me about my meowing phone. I thought we were good again, until one of the meanest 'aunties' came back to my desk and asked me to change my meowing tone into something else. She said they didn't like it and it may send other people the 'wrong message' if they heard it.

I said, feck off, you can't make me change my mobile tone. I like it this way and if you don't like it, too bad.

Of course, straight away after I said it, I regretted it. I thought her face turned blue when she heard what I had to say. I knew I shouldn't say it. Damn you, dirty mouth! I really have to wash your mouth with strong detergent!

This is my main problem these days. For no reason at all, I keep making enemies.

Tu lah ko midget gemuk, sepa suruh ko budget bagus, kan?