Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love your husband? Shave him bald! (Part II)

So, I was saying I now understood what he means by 'one day you'll understand.'

Last Sunday, I trimmed his hair with a shaver. It's always number 4, he's comfortable with that length. When I finished, I took the comb off to shave the back of his neck. Everything was good until I saw a small, tiny uneven part on the top of his head. I thought, well, easy fix. I rammed the shaver on the part without remembering it wasn't with the comb!!

So, there. A bald patch of a size of RM10 notes on his head.

I shivered. My mouth gone dry. I was stunned for a minute.

Then I expected him to get mad. I waited for him to shout or throw things at me. But you know what, he didn't! He looked at the patch on the mirror, rubbed it a few times and smiled at me. In half-laughing tone he said, oh well, you have to put up with a patched-head husband for a week or so.

I can't find the words to explain what exactly I felt that day. I can only say it was horrible, I truthfully feel horribly bad for him. How he's going to face the world with a patch on his head? I started to cry like a baby. Monkey, on the other hand, was really cool about it. He kept on saying all the nice things to shut me up but I was just..couldn't stop.

After an hour, this cry baby was still crying. Really, I thought there was no more happiness for me. I kept saying 'I'm sorry' and 'I'll only feel good again if I can fix it'. I guess Monkey must have got really concerned that he connected the shaver to the outlet and asked me to shave him bald!!!

He said it's the only way to fix the patch. He was so convincing that I actually took the shaver and shaved him bald.

Mind you, my husband is blessed with an egg shaped head. Can you imagine him bald?

I know, deep, deep, deep inside his heart...he felt angry and embarrassed for having to go to work in that 'hair style'. If I was him, I'll take a month unpaid holiday, or until my hair grows back.

But despite of all those, he put a smile on his face and accepted it as an honest mistake on my part. He understood I didn't mean to do that to him. Later in the afternoon, he even gave me his key card and let me withdraw any amount of money I like, with hope it'll help to cheer me up.

That day, he didn't say the magic phrase 'I love you' ...or anything like that. But I know he does love me. He really does, unconditionally.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Love your husband? Shave him bald!

Ada banyak sebab kenapa saya sayang laki saya.

Salah satu sebabnya ialah kerana dia seorang yang simple. Dia tidak pernah demand to be treated like a king. Bila dia nampak saya penat balik dari kerja, dia ambil alih tugas sediakan dinner tanpa saya minta. Begitu juga bila saya berpeluang sleep in pada hari Ahad (saya ada temporary second job to cover hutang keliling pinggang and therefore kena bekerja 7 hari seminggu), dia akan load the washing machine, sweep and mop the floor, clean my car and cook me lunch. Rasa best sangat dapat jadi his other half. Ceh..macam lah saya seorang saja yang ada laki kan? Ha ha. Sorry in advance ya, jika entry ini meloyakan tekak anda. You may leave now kalau rasa entry ini tidak sesuai untuk anda. (Dah bagi amaran awal-awal, OK?)

Hari ini saya nak tulis entry tentang laki saya. Bukan nak menunjuk-nunjuk saya ada laki, jauh sekali untuk bermegah-megah. Saya tulis entry ini untuk berkongsi feeling teruja saya dengan definisi baru saya berkenaan perasaan cinta. Jiwangnya saya hari ni.

OK. Walaupun saya dah nyatakan saya rasa best berlakikan dia, ada juga perasaan lain yang hadir bersama rasa best tadi. Saya, Monkey dan anda cuma manusia biasa, tentu kita tidak sempurna. Laki saya bukan the most perfect man di dunia, dia juga sama seperti saya, imperfect. Bukan sahaja dia gagal menjadi seperti Mat Romeo dan bunga mawarnya, dia juga seorang yang straight forward, keras hati dan urmm, bermulut puaka.

Dia tidak suka mengungkapkan 'saya cinta kamu' atau 'saya rindu kamu'. Bila berjauhan, dia tidak pernah mengaku rindukan saya. Paling hampir pun dia cuma akan kata, it's difficult around the house when you are away. Ataupun, it's weird waking up at night noticing you are not here. Dia juga rimas jalan berpimpin tangan. Bila saya minta, telapak tangan dia akan berpeluh-peluh, begitu juga dengan muka dia. Body language dia menjerit, "It's not comfortable!!" Setiap kali keluar berbelanja, dia dan trolinya selalu meninggalkan saya jauh di belakang. Bila saya merungut, dia kata, tu lah awak, kaki pendek. Gemuk. Slow. Saya tak dapat tunggu lah! Ada lagi yang paling best. Bila saya tanya pendapat dia tentang pakaian atau mekap saya, dia akan bagi jawapan yang jujur. Saya suka sikap jujur dia, tapi ada masa saya perlukan white lies to make things easy for me. For example;

(As we were rushing to his company dinner, coz I got home at 7.00 p.m. every day):

"How's my make up, darling? Does it match my dress?" -- Me

"What have you done to your face? That make up is too heavy for that dress lah." -- Him.

And there, saya terus konpius dan sakit hati. Dah lah masih rasa penat dari kerja, kelam-kabut nak bersiap, nak rempuh jam kat Jalan Skudai dia dah cakap macam tu, nak melangkah keluar pun jadi teragak-agak. Dalam hati menyumpah-nyumpah, tapi godek juga satu almari baju untuk cari yang sesuai dengan mekap. Setengah jam kemudian, masih tidak ketemu dengan baju yang sesuai, lalu saya mengesat muka dan menyapu mekap yang baru. *Sigh* Why can't he just say 'yes, you look dashing', so we can start moving to the party? Menyesal tanya. At the end, kami manusia yang paling lewat tiba...dan menjadi bahan kutukan kawan-kawan.

Demikian juga bila saya tanya, "Am I that fat?"

Dia jawab, "Yes, you are. A few more pounds and we'll be on our way to Levi's store, again!" (Which is almost true)

Dan itu menyebabkan saya murung dan hanya makan apple dan cabbage berhari-hari.

Kerana hal-hal begini berlaku dengan frequent-nya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kami, tak tau di mana mulanya, saya terasa seolah-olah he loves me less. Ada masa tertentu saya rasa he doesn't love me and care for my feelings anymore.

Untuk monyet yang fragile dan complicated seperti saya ini, mudah saja saya salah ertikan mesej dari jawapan dan reaksi yang dia sering berikan.

Bila berjauhan, tak rindukan saya?

Jawab 'See ya' bila saya kata 'Love ya' di akhir perbualan telefon?

Singgah di McD on the way home from work, beli burger untuk diri sendiri dan makan sorang-sorang depan saya?

Plan seminggu awal untuk ke party dengan kawan-kawan lelaki dan perempuan dan saya orang terakhir yang tahu, itu pun dengan nada ajak-ajak ayam beberapa minit sebelum dia bertolak?

Cakap saya gendut dan spoiled?

Benda-benda segini menyebabkan saya terlupa betapa sweetnya bila dia tolong masak, kemaskan rumah dan gosok baju-baju ofis saya. Mula lah suara-suara paranoid menziarahi saya. Adakah dia mula begini...adakah dia mula no end. Malu, kan? I'm not proud of it.

Bila suara-suara paranoid itu semakin kuat di minda saya, maka saya akan asak laki saya bertubi-tubi dengan soalan ala-ala cari pasal. Selalunya sesi itu berakhir dengan pertengkaran. Di akhir pertengkaran, dia ambil kunci kereta, kunci rumah dan keluar. Saya pula dengan muka panjang masuk dalam bilik, kunci tombol pintu, tolak meja solek, kerusi dan bakul baju kotor ke pintu...dengan harapan kalau dia patah balik, dia kena melalui semua halangan itu untuk masuk tidur, sementara saya buat-buat tidur lena. Tapi tak pernah pun dia rempuh halangan tadi. Saya sendiri yang susah di pagi hari kerana kena alihkan semua barang-barang tadi, otherwise, tak dapat keluar dari bedroom. Dia tidur dengan lenanya di ruang tamu.

Saya mogok tak mau makan dan cakap sehingga dia pujuk. Saya sedar, saya mengada-ngada. Tapi itu lah diri saya.

Bila dia dah bosan, pandai lah dia datang pujuk. Tiap kali pujuk, dia mesti cakap, 'I do love you, care for you, but just not in the way you want or can see or understand it.'

Dan tiap kali itulah I retort; then how can I tell it when I can't see it, feel it, or understand it?

Betul tak?

Dia tidak pernah balas balik soalan saya itu. Dia cuma cakap, one day you'll see and understand what I mean.

Sedar tak sedar, dah 5 tahun kami berkahwin. 5 tahun jugalah saya ternanti-nanti bilakah sampai masanya saya akan faham apakah yang dia maksudkan dengan 'one day you'll see and understand what I mean'.

Hari ini penantian itu sudah berakhir. Akhirnya saya faham apa yang dia maksudkan. be continued. I can't hold my eye lids anymore. Ngantuk gile.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I was not well for a week. Therefore, I have no mood to talk, think or write. This is why my blog was abandon for quite some times. Plus, actually I didn't have any nice things to say the last couple of weeks.

Last week, Monkey's friend, V, from Oz rang us. Ooo..I like her! Even though we haven't physically met, but I like her already. She's a warm lady, very optimistic and realistic. She offered to be my first friend when I get to Australia soon. Aww..isn't is so nice of her? I am really glad talking to her the other day. She made me realised the fact that these days, people don't necessarily live in one place only. We can go to wherever part of the world and not worry about what's waiting for us out there. As she said, the only worst thing that can happen is we don't like that place and we move to another place. That's all. Well, she's kind of right, don't we think?

So, there. I'm not that sceptical anymore about going to live far away from my hometown. It could be fun and adventurous. And if I don't like it there, I can always go back to where I come from!

Oh, our second niece has arrived last week! Her parents named her Ashley. I always like that name. Can't wait to meet her. I bet she's as beautiful as her sister, Jordyn. Hopefully I'll meet everybody this coming Xmas. To Ashley, welcome aboard to the family. Don't grow up so quickly though, I'd like to meet you while you are still a baby. :-)

What else..what else...hmmm...ah, Jazzy has been charged mercilessly by ticks. Poor girl. I tried everything to help her, except taking her to the vet. Not that I am stingy or anything, I could not find time to do it. The clinic only open around 10.30 a.m. and I need to leave to work at 11.30 a.m. One hour is not enough time. I finish working at 18:30 and by that time, the clinic is already closed. I can't call in sick to take my dog to clinic, I will get bashed for it. Monkey won't do it, he's not the type of taking-animals-to-vet person. He's the type of I-give-you-money-go-sort-it-out kind of person. What I did to help Jazzy was washing her and then 'removed the ticks manually'. I know. I know. It's yukky, right? But it helped. I did that 4 days in a row and Jazzy is now almost tick-free.

I have a confession to make; I actually getting use to like removing ticks from my dog! Maybe next time when I get asked what's my hobby, I'll say 'removing ticks from my dog'.
