Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love your husband? Shave him bald! (Part II)

So, I was saying I now understood what he means by 'one day you'll understand.'

Last Sunday, I trimmed his hair with a shaver. It's always number 4, he's comfortable with that length. When I finished, I took the comb off to shave the back of his neck. Everything was good until I saw a small, tiny uneven part on the top of his head. I thought, well, easy fix. I rammed the shaver on the part without remembering it wasn't with the comb!!

So, there. A bald patch of a size of RM10 notes on his head.

I shivered. My mouth gone dry. I was stunned for a minute.

Then I expected him to get mad. I waited for him to shout or throw things at me. But you know what, he didn't! He looked at the patch on the mirror, rubbed it a few times and smiled at me. In half-laughing tone he said, oh well, you have to put up with a patched-head husband for a week or so.

I can't find the words to explain what exactly I felt that day. I can only say it was horrible, I truthfully feel horribly bad for him. How he's going to face the world with a patch on his head? I started to cry like a baby. Monkey, on the other hand, was really cool about it. He kept on saying all the nice things to shut me up but I was just..couldn't stop.

After an hour, this cry baby was still crying. Really, I thought there was no more happiness for me. I kept saying 'I'm sorry' and 'I'll only feel good again if I can fix it'. I guess Monkey must have got really concerned that he connected the shaver to the outlet and asked me to shave him bald!!!

He said it's the only way to fix the patch. He was so convincing that I actually took the shaver and shaved him bald.

Mind you, my husband is blessed with an egg shaped head. Can you imagine him bald?

I know, deep, deep, deep inside his heart...he felt angry and embarrassed for having to go to work in that 'hair style'. If I was him, I'll take a month unpaid holiday, or until my hair grows back.

But despite of all those, he put a smile on his face and accepted it as an honest mistake on my part. He understood I didn't mean to do that to him. Later in the afternoon, he even gave me his key card and let me withdraw any amount of money I like, with hope it'll help to cheer me up.

That day, he didn't say the magic phrase 'I love you' ...or anything like that. But I know he does love me. He really does, unconditionally.


Moses+Christ Army said...

alalalla...dia nda marah ko?? wahhh... so sweet ohh..... ^^ sbnarnya ko mmg bertuah dpt laki baik mcm ni... =D