Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A picture tells a thousand stories (2)

Dearest lil bro Jeb,

As you requested, here's the photos of our little apartment in KK. Forgive the quality, they were taken using my cheap old mobile phone camera. The house is still in a mess and needs a lot of works, but nonetheless a perfect shelter for when you get stranded in the city. Lol!

So, I assume you'll do the kitchen cabinet and the rest of the kitchen's stuffs, ya? Oh, and also the laundry area? Thank you. He he.

Living room

Dining area

My bedroom (because I can)

Still my bedroom

Second bedroom...

...and this can be yours if you clean it.

Empty Kitchen

Laundry area, also empty

The 2nd toilet, in case you have not seen a toilet before

and these legs are belong to someone who has lost a total of 2.5kg in 2 weeks.

Guess who?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Wedding Finger (Chinese Version)

My dearest friend, Shirlene, forwarded this to me. I thought it was nice and somehow convincing, so I share it here. Enjoy!

Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger?

There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese .....


The thumb represents your Parents.

The second (index) finger represents your Siblings.

The middle finger represents you.

The fourth (ring) finger represents your Life Partner.

The last (little) finger represents your children.


First, open your palms (face to face),bend the middle fingers and hold them together,back to back.

Second, open and hold the remaining three fingersand the thumb - tip to tip.
(As shown in the figure below):

Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents). They will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later.

Please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings).. They will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their separate lives.

Now rejoin the index fingers and separate your little fingers (representing your children). They will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day.

Finally, rejoin your little fingers, and try to separate your ring fingers (representing your spouse). You'll be surprised to see that you just CANNOT, because husband & wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and thin!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

What can possibly beat this?


Saturday, October 17, 2009

A picture tells a thousand stories (1)


* These photo were taken last year during my family annual activity; planting padi in my grandparents paddy field. All of the people in the photos are my family members, who requested to be unnamed here.

** There are reasons why I was not in the photo. As an animal lover and protector, I am against animals slave. As you can see in the photo, buffalo were used to plow the field. Although I am quite resilient on what I believe, for some reasons I could not convince my family members to believe it too (which is a shame). So, I decided not to help them in the field and took preparing lunch task instead. Plus, I am so damn scared of leaches. I think they could harm me in many ways and feast on me after defeating me. No way I'm exposing myself to that sort of danger.

*** If you ever thought of experiencing real country life, why not makes it come true? Come to our place in Borneo and experience traditional country Dusun life. You can stay here for nothing, my family love visitors. Don't worry, you won't end up in our pot. Lol! But you have to put up with our old country house and probably food you never tasted in your life. Oh, and also my grandfather. He would tell you non-stop stories about World War II and how much we are a lucky generation. Do expect that from our 100+ years old Aki.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A note to Dale, Nash and Ijad (MMU 2005)

Hey guys, whoever and wherever you are. I don’t know you guys personally but I do enjoy your short clip. Forgive me for not remembering where I got it from though; it has been residing in my thumb drive and now in my laptop for a very long time.

I hope you guys don’t mind me making your clip my ‘medicine’ whenever I feel down. Somehow it works very well every time for me. I must thank you for this funny yet very brilliant and intelligent clip of yours. Without it, I cannot imagine how hard it would be for me to get through my hard times. You guys make me laugh and dance a little every time I watch your clip. It makes me forget my problems for a while. It cheers me up every time.

One day when all the money in this world found my location and come home to me, I will send three sacks of them to each of you. That’s for making me laugh. Another 3 sacks each for your excellent sense of humor and intelligence. And another 3 sacks each for being so cute.

If I was single, I would marry all of you. Seriously. I love you guys. I really do. Although we don’t know each other, taking what you guys have done for me these past few years (and still counting) into account, I think it’s not too much for me to wish you well and pray may god gives you good health and good life.

Sheez. What a lame wishes, right?

Oh, and I hope you guys don’t mind me sharing the clip here. Good things must share to the world.

Here, peeps. Please enjoy them too!

Love from me,

Miss E

(An animal protector, chocolate lover, lousy wife, a little bit fat, a lazy and boring person and so many more, you don't want to know them all.)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Fierce Bear?

No, I am not, sir. I am nothing like the image above.

But how come I earned a mean nick name, Miss Bear, at work? I first heard about it today from my colleagues. They did mention who started it but had no idea if it was for sure. For a minute, I thought I could eat a boy. One particular boy named N**** from 3A. Thanks to him, all of a sudden, I'm no longer Miss E. Please welcome Miss Bear. Nggrrrrr...

Then I think again. I must have done something really terrifying that encouraged him to call me names. I know him as an obedient and diligent person, I can't imagine him calling me mean names without having a good reason for it. I must find out what have I done to earn that name.

So, during one of my sessions in his class today, I asked the children to put up both of their hands if they think I am as fierce as a bear.

Don't guess it. Everybody put up both of their hands. Surprised?

I am.

I know I am not a fierce person. Nothing like it. I am not trying to say that I think I am perfect, no. I am not, sir. I am not perfect. In fact, nobody is. But I can really tell you that I am a reasonable person. You will find it easy to talk to me. My sense of humor is healthy and I promise you I have never tasted a human flesh. Check my mouth, I don't hide any fangs. Seriously.

I asked them again, those who has been referring me as Miss Bear, put up both of their hands. All of them put up both of their hands, again!!

Then I asked them, whoever started this, put up both of his or her hands. Nobody did. But 26 over 27 students pointed their hand to one boy who was looking anxious in his seat. That's how I found out for sure that he started it.

When I asked him what gave him the idea to call me Miss Bear, he answered me in a trembling voice that I gave him that impression when I first entered their class. It was just his good luck that the bell rang and I had to dismiss the class. Otherwise, I would make him wet his pants with more of my 'fierce' questions.

I don't get it, you know. I never done anything scary in the class. Never even carried out any experiment on animals or anythings. What's so scary about me?

I thought we always had fun and we laughed a lot during the lessons. Why would my students be scared of me and calling me names? I mean, fair enough I am only new here, they don't know me well yet, but giving me such mean name? Why? What did I do?

I'll think more about it tonight. Maybe I have said or done something mean to them outside my conscious. Maybe it's my attitude, I don't know. Meanwhile, here what I want my students to know:

It's just me. Please don't freak out!

Photos Credit: Eiko Ishizawa at http://www.likecool.com/The_Sleeping_Bear--Outdoor--Home.html

Note: The photos are not mine and the girl in the photo is not me either.

'Mind Your Own Beewax'

This came from the days when smallpox was a regular disfigurement. Fine ladies would fill in the pocks with beeswax. However when the weather was very warm the wax might melt. But it was not the thing to do for one lady to tell another that her makeup needed attention. Hence the sharp rebuke to "mind your own beewax"

Interesting, isn't it?

Thanks to Ye Olde Sayings

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I will be alright

Maybe not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow but I promise, I will be alright. This is not the first time we (Monkey and I) live apart from each other, we've done it before.

Now, don't get me wrong. We are not in a 'bad term' or anything. We are fine, very fine. Once I get my PR visa, we shall be reunited again.

But I must confess, I do miss him a little. OK, a lot. Forgive me for shouting it out loud to the whole world, I can't help it. Living with my little brother doesn't help me much. He's a young man with no interest but football and full stomach. No girlfriends, no job, nothing. Just football and full stomach.

At times when I could not handle my old friend named Troubles, I missed him the most. I'm used to have him protecting me from anything bigger than me. Now that he's not there to stand by me when I need him, I feel a little scared and insecure. Wow. Saying that makes me feel like a real drama queen.

Drama queen. Ya, maybe that's what I am right now, which is not very nice. So I stop right now and try to vent my feeling on something else. Maybe I should start farming on Farm Town again. Hmm, I'm wondering if people still fond of Farm Town these days. Must go now and find out.

Oh, and yaaiii for having Internet access from home!

Now I should be able to talk more craps in here again, if my other old friend named Lazy doesn't keep visiting me.

Ta ta.