Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A picture tells a thousand stories (2)

Dearest lil bro Jeb,

As you requested, here's the photos of our little apartment in KK. Forgive the quality, they were taken using my cheap old mobile phone camera. The house is still in a mess and needs a lot of works, but nonetheless a perfect shelter for when you get stranded in the city. Lol!

So, I assume you'll do the kitchen cabinet and the rest of the kitchen's stuffs, ya? Oh, and also the laundry area? Thank you. He he.

Living room

Dining area

My bedroom (because I can)

Still my bedroom

Second bedroom...

...and this can be yours if you clean it.

Empty Kitchen

Laundry area, also empty

The 2nd toilet, in case you have not seen a toilet before

and these legs are belong to someone who has lost a total of 2.5kg in 2 weeks.

Guess who?


Unknown said...

Ai om cantik2 juga d pula tu rumah tu kan.. sya inda nampak brapa gia yang time sya p sana haritu.. galap x da karen ni.. nga macam sempit gia tu.. ba nati sya ada duit sya buat tu kitchen sama laundry area la.. ikut pepatah kawan sya "sya kasi full accessory ni kereta sya sampai tiada tampat mo duduk.. kekeke..

ko kurus sdah d tei gia baru 2 kg pun turun.. hahaha.. masi ada buruyut lagi tu..

Hobbit Wife said...

I'll go visit this December if you're in. Nice pad! :)

Unknown said...

nice and cozy house. i like! XD

Unknown said...

wow ten 2.5kg i'm so impressed..what's the secret???
Anyway happy for u too for d new apartment hehe..

Miss E said...

Jeb: Ok, no prob.

Aims: I'm sorry dear, I'll be spending Xmas this year with my in-laws in OZ. I'd love to have you visiting me, though.

Chris: Thanks, Chris.

Elle's: I won't tell you here. Actually, I'll keep it a secret from you. LOL! How's that sound? Mean?