Thursday, December 11, 2008

11th December

If I were to choose my own name, I would name myself Gretchen or Daniella. But I didn't have the privilege to do so since I was just a hopeless little baby when I was born. I had no choice but to give the benefit of doubt to my parents to choose one for me.

According to my mama, long before I was born, they have been finding a name for me. My bapa's first choice was Ernawati.

When I first heard it, I was like, "freak..!! Ernawati? What the..!"

So I must thank my mama for fighting not to give it to me. Imagine me signing myself as Ernawati. No offence to any Ernawati in this world, I just don't see myself bonding with that name. Ever.

Then, they wanted to name me Erna. It must have been thought to be the final decision because most of my aunties and uncles who don't live with us or around us call me with that name. Some of them even spell my name as 'Erna'. It's OK by me, Erna doesn't sound too bad to me. Just, don't put the Wati together with it. Eeeew!! Anyways. Suddenly my bapa came up with a last minute idea to name me after my aunt Erin. Actually, I don't see much of her as an aunt figure. Plus, I've never been closed to her.

She's my bapa's first cousin. The first daughter in his uncle's family. Still count as a close relative lah. Her father is my grandmother's only brother. Back then, my bapa's family was extremely poor. To make things worst, his father had this different ideology that drove people away from their family. Some said it made people hated his whole family. Oh well. Better not to start on that one. My point is, I have no wonder why my bapa wanted to name me after his cousin. It was very hard for him and his siblings to breath under his father's roof. Lucky his uncle and cousins always came to their rescue. To my bapa, his uncle is his idol. He respects him more than his own father. Hence, for his own reasons, he wanted his first child to be named after his uncle's daughter.

Again, my mama fought not to name me exactly the name of my bapa's family members. She knew if he could do it easily, then chances are all her children will be named after all my father's family members. Good move on that one, ma. Long story short, they decided to get somewhere between where everybody won. That's why today my name is Erina. Something familiar to my bapa and something not exactly the name of my bapa's cousin to my mama. Choosing a name for me must had been one hideous job my parents had to do. They probably had a few small fights here and there. Thus, 'Erina' to me means something agreeable to my parents. Not exactly the name that I fond but well, it means a lot to my parents.

This 'naming me' event took place 27 years ago, sometimes before the 11th of December.

Today 11th December comes again. My mum gave me RM150 this morning. Yaii! Knowing my mum, it must took her a lot of "good mood" for giving away that much money with no string attached! So I assume, to her, remembering and celebrating this day must be very important. It's more than just the date of my arrival into this world or the day they finally have a name for me. This to her is also the date she started a new life as a mother. The day her first love arrived in this world. I'm sure she treasures every moment of the memory happened 27 years ago on this particular date. Good for her.

Me? It doesn't really matter to me. I usually forget what kind of occasion I should celebrate on this day. This time, I think I will just enjoy my free RM150. I want to use it to buy a new cooker so I can make cookies and cakes during my holiday. This is where my sister-in-law's present for me comes very handy. She gave me a beautiful cooking book. Very thick and colorful. Hah! I should start on the cakes chapter! Mmmmmm..chocolate cake...mmmmm..! Alright. Gotta go to shop now and spend my RM150.

Before I go, I'd like to say thanks to my friends, family and parents in law for wishing me joy and happiness. Emily gets the credit to be the first one to wish me well. Meanwhile, 1010, Djue, Zue and people are in trouble. I know I said this day doesn't really matter to me but I didn't say it doesn't matter that you people don't remember it!

LOL. Are you scared now?


Licia said...

kah kah..dpt sa bayangkan kalau nama ko Ernawati..dgn ayunya sa akan bertanya..adakah kamu dari seberang OM?? Itulah yg bakal sa tanya bila pertama kali kita berkenalan..
tp tell u d truth dulu i confuse mana satu nama u..pasal ko pernah kata nama ko
Anyway..really2 sorry ten..i memang terforgot..Jangan Mare..datang KL jangan diam2 mesti kasi tau belanja ko..hee